The Project

wm wasden 2

William Wasden Jr. and The Vancouver Park Board invite all people, to come together in the spirit of reconciliation, to work towards sharing truths about residential school history and First Nations children.

With a focus on family and the importance of cultural tradition, we will learn about the traditional upbringing of children in Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw culture through language, song, dance, art and history.

Sharing his deep knowledge of this culture William will reflect on things lost to families because of residential school, for example: teaching special songs that adults in a family sing only to children, and language that is only used in intimate family settings between the old and the young.

Participants will work with William to create personal regalia as a way to share a sense of our diverse individual identities linking family, history and heritage. We will learn and create songs, dance and create regalia and dance screens, to build an inclusive creative collaboration that will be publicly shared on National Aboriginal Day.


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